Prince Harry needs ‘Kim Kardashian’ to win in court


Prince Harry needs ‘Kim Kardashian’ to win in court

Prince Harry recently received a range of suggestions from experts, suggesting that his best chance of victory lies in emulating Kim Kardashian's approach to his High Court case. 

Daniela Elser, a respected royal analyst, shared these tips with the Duke. 

She offered her insights on a range of topics during a piece she wrote for

In her article, she questioned, "I wonder if it will ever be enough? Will Harry ever find contentment?" leaving us hanging with the thought, "We'll have to wait and watch."

This suggestion was put forth in the middle of her article for the platform.

She extensively discussed the topic, stating, "A verdict on Harry's case against the Mirror Group Newspapers is expected later this year" and mentioned, "The NGN case will proceed to trial in January."

In her final comments, she also conceded, "Perhaps the solution is right before our eyes – he should fully follow Kim Kardashian's footsteps and study law. Not only could this save him a fortune in legal costs, but it might also pave the way for a potential new career path."

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