Sharon Stone and Sylvester Stallone, drunk and naked: how the s*x scene that promised to be hot was filmed and ended up in paper

 Sharon Stone and Sylvester Stallone, drunk and naked: how the s*x scene that promised to be h*t was filmed and ended up in paper

"The specialist" tried to be one of the most mousey movies of the cinema in the middle of the 90s. But the actress felt that she had already undressed too much and the actor tried to cheer her up with a few shots of vodka. The behind the scenes of a filming with anger, shots and shameful attitudes

In early '90s Hollywood, there was no woman sexier than Sharon Stone and no action hero more reliable than Sylvester Stallone. When the specialist (1994) began to be thought of, the combination of both on the set should guarantee immediate success and a high-voltage s*xual scene would be the icing on the cake.

The plot did not matter too much, although if it could include blackmail, weapons or mobsters, much better. But something went wrong and the film, although it was a box office success almost tripling its budget, was destroyed by critics and was closer to the bizarre than the erotic police.

For Sharon Stone, it marked the end of her reign as a s*x icon that she had begun just a few years earlier. With a few minor roles in her career and already turning 30, she entered the '90s determined to be a star. To do this, she combined the role of a sexy woman on the cover of Playboy with her role in The Avenger of the Future -together with Arnold Schwarzenegger, the other great action hero-, which placed her as a familiar face for the public.

When she arrived Bass Instincts, she entered the erotic imaginary forever. She was able to exploit her acting skills with the s*xy bombshell, and her leg-crossing scene during the interrogation needs no further description. She wanted to countersign her parchment with Sliver, but the experience was not the best. She got along terrible with her partner William Baldwin and she felt that her voice was not heard despite being the star of the film.

The Specialist - S*x scene between Sharon Stone and Sylvester Stallone

Sharon Stone and Sylvester Stallone, drunk and naked: how the s*x scene that promised to be hot was filmed and ended up in paper

In The specialist everything went to hell, when Stone got tired of the role that the industry had designed for her. But the industry had not understood it in the same way, the public ignored what was going through the body and head of the actress. And if she knew, it didn't matter, at least not in those days.

Directed by the Peruvian Luis Llosa - cousin of the famous writer Mario Vargas Llosa - the plot of The Specialist, let's say that it does not deserve to be studied in universities as the great script of the decade, rather the opposite. Sylvester Stallone is the explosives expert of the title, a former CIA member who is hired by the beautiful and mysterious Sharon Stone. 

His goal is to avenge the death of her parents when she was a child. You don't have to be very intuitive to conclude that they fall in love and, obviously, have a great sexual encounter.

However, the much talked about erotic scene ended up being a fiasco.

Sharon Stone didn't want to get naked to do a s*x scene in The Specialist. She had already been betrayed in Low Instinct, when director Paul Verhoeven asked her to take off her panties, arguing that the light was reflecting off her white underwear while she assured him that her private parts would be safe during the film. 

Everything happens in less than four minutes. A luxurious room, she in a black dress, he in a suit. The movements are clumsy, the kisses on his neck look forced, the music greases and stuns. They do not transmit skin, nor do they enjoy. From the bed they go to the shower, where neither Sly's scarred back nor Sharon's protruding breasts manage to move. Some gasps and the running of the water are barely heard, until they apply the soap trick. There is no case. Still naked and in the shower, they discuss the revenge plan. A couple of compliments, and that's it. That was it? Yes, and for such coldness there is a reason.

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