Will Smith's slap in the face of Chris Rock before winning his first Oscar

 Will Smith's slap in the face of Chris Rock before winning his first Oscar

Will Smith starred in the most unpleasant moment in the history of the Oscars after a joke about his wife, Jada Pinkett Smith. An action that could cost him his career.

Will Smith's slap in the face of Chris Rock before winning his first Oscar

What caused Will Smith's anger?

Everything happened before the disbelief and general tension of those attending the ceremony, the spectators and Chris Rock himself; no one knew what exactly had just happened and if it was part of a scripted sketch. Unfortunately, the answer is no.

 "Will Smith just slapped me," was the first thing the comedian said with a face of not knowing what had just happened, while Will Smith turned around, walked off the stage, returned to his seat and recriminated him again. Rock: "Keep my wife's name out of your FUCKING mouth!"

It all happened after a joke by Chris Rock about Jada Pinkett Smith's look. Rock said that Pinket Sith could act in the sequel to G.I. Jane, to which the actress responded by rolling her eyes. A comment that did not sit well with Smith, 

since the actress and singer's shaved head is not an aesthetic decision, but rather she suffers from alopecia that she made visible a few months ago with the help of her daughter, Willow, saying goodbye to scarves with which he covered his head in many of his public appearances.

The first of his career after two nominations (Ali and The Pursuit of Happyness). Hollywood likes to crown its stars and Will Smith is the only actor in the history of the industry who has chained eight No. 1 at the box office in the United States. 

Those are big words in an industry obsessed with success. His portrayal of the patriarch of a family that is considered royalty in the African-American community was the perfect excuse to acknowledge the actor. What no one expected is that the celebration of what was to be his consecration as a Hollywood star would end before it began.

Smith gave a rather strange speech, trying to justify himself, in which he mentioned Richard Williams himself as a model and reference, since he "always defended his family". He also commented, “I want to apologize to the academy.

 I want to apologize to all of my fellow nominees," but he made no direct allusion to Chris Rock. Before saying goodbye, Will Smith added: "Thank you. I hope the academy will invite me again", in reference to the unpleasant incident that he had caused minutes before.

Given this incident suffered during the gala held at the Dolby Theater in Los Angeles, the Academy has stated that "it does not approve of violence in any of its manifestations."

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